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Unfair financial penalty for disabled

A new report from Scope has highlighted the additional costs that disabled people face when compared to non-disabled people. This disability price tag, in effect, represent an unfair financial penalty that mean disabled people are less able to build financial resilience. Additionally, they make it more difficult for disabled people to obtain employment, access education and training, pay into savings and pensions and participate fully in society.

Key findings of the report

The Scope analysis shows that:

  • On average, disabled people face extra costs of £570 a month related to their impairment or condition. This is on top of welfare payments designed to help meet these costs.
  • For one in five disabled people, extra costs amount to over £1,000 per month.
  • After housing costs, disabled people on average spend 49% of their income on disability-related costs.
  • Extra costs mean that disabled people’s money doesn’t go as far: £100 for a non-disabled person is equivalent to just £67 for a disabled person.

Scope has developed a new methodology to estimate the extra costs faced by disabled people. Extra costs are measured by comparing the difference in the standard of living experienced by disabled people and non-disabled people

Viable Government plan for reducing disability price tag is needed

Although the Prime Minister has pledged to tackle the “burning injustice” of disability discrimination and we’ve seen regulators and businesses think more about the needs of disabled consumers. But, these are only starting points to help improve disabled people’s living standards.

The Government’s commitment to support one million more disabled people into work by 2027 is also good news. But, Scope urges the Government to step up and set out a viable plan for ensuring disabled people have the same opportunity to be financially secure as everyone else, working with businesses and regulators to deliver the reforms needed.

We agree wholeheartedly with this and look forward to seeing further improvements, similar to the Access to Work scheme, soon.

To see the full Scope report, click here.